Implementation of Plan B


I promised to write once SLT had time to consider the Prime Minister’s statement.

The introduction of “Plan B” means that, with effect from Monday, we have to suspend our hybrid working approach. I know that this will be a disappointment to many of you who, like me, have enjoyed getting back into the office a couple of times a week to catch up with colleagues and progress things that are better done face to face. I am really sorry that this is the case.

In terms of what this means – some flexibility is allowed for in the statement so a number of staff will continue to be asked/allowed to work in the office. These include –

  • Those who need to come in to carry out tasks which cannot be done remotely
  • Those who need to come in because using our systems at home significantly impacts productivity
  • Those for whom the facilities to work at home are causing/likely to cause health or wellbeing issues
  • Those whose wellbeing is better supported in the office environment for other reasons*
  • Those who need to meet and support new staff

*We encourage you to raise this, on a confidential basis, with your line manager or the HR team. Permission can be granted by the relevant SLT member.

BMT managers are busy putting arrangements in place and will be talking to you about this if they haven’t already done so.

For those who are coming into the office normal office rules apply in relation to lateral flow tests, masks, separation distances etc. The office will be accessible during normal hours and there will be a manager of the day, first aid provision and FM cover between 9 -5. Reception will continue to be open between 9 -2.30.

“Plan B” only impacts where we base ourselves for work it does not impact on any other aspect of our roles. As a result, visits, inspections etc can happen as before , in accordance with the risk assessments in place within your team.  

As you know next week we were planning carols and singing around the Christmas tree outside. While this remains safe, we have reluctantly concluded that it isn’t practical to go ahead while most are based at home. I am really disappointed that we have had to make this decision, particularly as almost 100 of you had indicated that you wanted to attend – the year has been really challenging with lots of change – throughout this you have responded positively no matter what has been thrown at you. It is a pleasure to be able to lead such a great organisation and I was really looking forward to seeing you all there with John, Ellie, Emily and the choir – I am so sorry that we won’t hear this, but there will be other times.

In the meantime, recognising that it has been difficult year SLT will give everyone the equivalent of an extra days leave. Details will follow as I’m sure there will be questions about this so we’ll confirm everything next week. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

The Coronavirus staff pages have been updated in line with these changes so please look to these for guidance in the first instance, but as always, should you have any questions that have not been covered or things you do not understand please do not hesitate to speak to your manager or any member of SLT or contact the HR team.

Take care

Karen and SLT

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