Praise for Mole Valley Life’s Community Transport team

The Mole Valley Life Community Transport team recently received a lovely email thanking them for their service:

“Marion was getting quite flustered about going to Specsavers, hence why a friend chose to come with her. However, thanks to your service when Marion recognised the driver who I gathered welcomed her, (and even if he didn’t recognise her he got away with it!) it gave her so much confidence. I had also assured her she had a step free walk to Specsavers as we had done it together, but her and her friend were doubtful, so again thanks to the driver for giving good directions of the best way to access Specsavers.

Your service is amazing, the personal extras mean so much and is definitely helping give Marion independence.”

Well done to the team and in particular John (the driver on the day) for providing a welcoming and knowledgeable service. Keep up the good work!

To find out more about Mole Valley Life’s Community Transport service please call 0300 123 7749 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday (please note that lines will be closed from 12 – 1pm.)

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