Thank you to Housing

The following voicemail was received for Angie from someone she helped this year. 

At the start of this year I was sleeping in my car, contemplating suicide, my life was really low and I didn’t have anywhere to live and I phoned you and you got my a place to live in a B&B and then Leatherhead Start and then now I’m in a shared house.  I’m just calling to say that this is the first time in many years that I have felt ok and that life can be positive and that life can be good and that I have felt settled and comfortable. I have support around me from people you have introduced me to and I’m going to get a flat soon.  So much good has happened since you helped me that I just wanted to call you and say thank you and that you are doing a very good job at what you do.  I wanted to say thank you Angie for all the support and everything you have done.

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