National Trading Standards recognition for Mole Valley Life’s Peter!

Congratulations to Peter, one of Mole Valley Life’s Trusted Advisors, who was recognised at the national Trading Standards CTSI Hero Awards for “going the extra mile again and again to help protect the most vulnerable members of our community”.

Peter’s work fitting trueCall call blocking devices on behalf of Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards is estimated to have so far blocked 256,400 nuisance calls and 70,199 scam calls, as well as preventing 414 scams, equating to total savings in excess of £3million!

Steve Ruddy, Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards Head of Service said, “Peter has done an amazing job over the last few years, going the extra mile again and again to help protect the most vulnerable members of our community, he continues to make a huge difference and the impact he has made is immense, we are fortunate to have such an able and effective ambassador.”

Well done Peter, we are proud to have you as a member of the Mole Valley Life team ?

To find out more about how trueCall devices could help to support you or a loved one ?


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