Shine Award for Julie Spalding in Communications

Julie was nominated by Mandy Bosher (Manager of MV Hub) who said:

“Julie’s outstanding and continued support for the Mole Valley Employment and Skills Hub. Not only has Julie been a vital contact for all actions to do with comms, she has also brought other departments together to get the hub ready for the Launch.

She has organised cleaning, furniture, signage, social media set ups and much more and she has done so in an approachable, calm, friendly way. Julie even met the signage people at 6am in the morning to ensure the stickers went on in the right way in her dedication to “get it right”.

I cannot stress enough how important Julie has been to this project, stepping outside of her job role to get things done, going above and beyond. All of us at the MV Hub would like to thank her for her help and have her recognised in the SHINE award scheme.”

The Strategic Leadership Team here at Mole Valley District Council were particularly impressed with Julie’s help, support and commitment in ensuring the launch of the MV Employment and Skills Hub was a great success.

Well done Julie!

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