UK GDPR – Using blank form templates

Recently there have been some UK GDPR Breaches caused by staff sending out a pre-populated form template which they believed to be blank.  Fortunately no further action has been taken by the ICO but these cases could easily have been prevented by implementing some simple measures.  If you need to send a form to someone (inside or outside the organisation) please remember to always:

  • Download the form and save it with a different name
  • Use strong naming conventions so that it doesn’t get mixed up with other forms already downloaded
  • Store the form in a different location from the blank form template
  • Never attempt to edit a form on line or on Molly
  • If emailing the form remember “safesend” and open the form to check it is the right one before ticking that it is ok to send

Remember we have a duty to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further please contact Tom or Kate. or

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