Flu Jab

This year’s flu jabs for MVDC staff will be taking place on Tuesday 12th October at Park House (initially for Park House staff only) and Wednesday 13th October at Pippbrook – Reigate Road (for all staff)

You can book a 5 min appointment on the available dates through the booking form link below. Please only book a Park House appointment if you work in this building or the Fairfield Centre in the first instance. All staff may book appointments at Pippbrook.

Please read this leaflet for further information about the flu vaccine and how it works.

Please ensure you complete the consent form below and take this with you to your appointment.

Please arrive 5 mins before your appointment (not more than this as social distancing will need to be maintained), if there is someone already occupying the waiting room please wait outside the building entrance until another person exits.

Consent Form

To book your space, please click the link below:-

Appointment Booking Pippbrook & Park House

Appointments are offered on a first come first served basis.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please cancel your own appointment via the email you received confirming your appointment. If you experience any difficulties please contact HR.admin@molevalley.gov.uk

The nurse will be wearing full PPE throughout the day and will be cleaning surfaces between appointments.

The Medwyn have advised that the flu vaccine being offered via this clinic is different to the vaccine offered to adults aged over 65. If you are over age 65 please book your flu vaccine through your GP to ensure you receive the correct jab.

The Gov.uk website confirms that this year’s flu vaccine is being offered on the NHS to:

  • adults 50 and over
  • people with certain medical conditions (including children in at-risk groups from 6 months of age)
  • pregnant women
  • people living with someone who’s at high risk from coronavirus (on the NHS shielded patient list)
  • carers
  • frontline health or social care workers

If you are entitled to a flu vaccine through the NHS please contact your GP for an appointment where you can to ensure that as many employees as possible have access to a free flu jab this year.

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