Staff Hub Meeting Update

At Staff Hub last week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  Last week we noted the changes to the fire evacuation process at Pippbrook, more details and a video to follow on that.  There will be no change for Dorking Halls. Park House and the Fairfield Centre are undergoing assessments this month.  We also noted that PAT Testing will now be the responsibility of users.  There will be more information for staff and training to follow.

Wellbeing – During Wellbeing Week regular Molly updates were provided on Digital Wellbeing.   Digital usage is by no means all bad but it does affect us in ways we may not have realised so the information is well worth a read.  We also held a very well attended social event to welcome staff back to the office and the Mental Health first aiders gave an insight into their personal views on returning to work.

Spotlight On…. We are supporting HR to find staff who are up for helping with the recruitment drive by featuring in a video.  We are going for a fast-paced film with edited clips and cameos from people who work here. If you are interested in being involved please let us know at

Staff Benefits – Karrp benefits are still available to staff – here is the most recent update: We are starting to reconnect with businesses as they come back to our high streets so hopefully we will be able to offer more staff benefits and support local shops very soon.

We are looking forward to seeing more and more colleagues back in the offices from next month. 

There will be a few changes and if you are nervous about coming back please do read the risk assessments which have been devised to create a safe working environment for staff. 

One of the key things is taking regular lateral flow tests before coming to the office – if you haven’t got Covid you can’t give it to anyone else!

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