Remembrance Sunday Staff Required

Extra hours available

Remembrance Sunday – 14 November 2021

We need several extra people to support The Royal British Legion and the road closures in Leatherhead and Dorking for this year’s Remembrance Sunday Services.


Working hours 10.00am – 12.00pm


Working hours 9.30am – 12.30pm

Staff will be paid at £22 per hour from the budget for the event.

No experience needed. If you’re willing to lend a hand, please contact Kayleigh Arunasalon by Thursday 30 September.

Many thanks in advance!

1 Comment

  • Hyam, Liz says:

    Hi Kayleigh
    I am happy to volunteer for this event if you still require further staff . Realise due to high levels of sickness at the moment some staff may have to drop out.
    I live close to the centre of Dorking so would prefer to cover this area .
    Kind regards Liz

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