Pippbrook Working Environment

In light of new guidance issued on ventilation, the FM team were asked to engage with the mechanical contractor and consultants in order to seek their advice on carrying out works to the Pippbrook office ventilation system and create as safe an environment as possible.

They provided a number of practical recommendations, all of which have now been implemented.

One of the main changes means that the building’s ventilation has now been set to provide 100% fresh air without any recycling, also increasing the speed of the fans to maximise the introduction of fresh air.

Whilst the benefit of carrying out this adjustment is clear, the affect is that the environment within the building may feel less static than before and appear to be colder as a result of the additional air movement.

Whilst these changes have tried to be compensated by increasing the temperature, there is a limit to what can be achieved and we would ask for your understanding as we continue in our efforts to create a safe and pleasant working environment.

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