Getting ready for hybrid working

As per Karen’s message more staff will be preparing to come to the office more regularly from Monday 4th October.

With more staff in the office, there are bound to be logistical things that need taking care of, ideas shared and solutions developed.

With that in mind Emma, Paul and Kate have formed a small sub-group to manage requests and suggestions for the next few months, as we start to pilot how hybrid working works in practice.

If you’d like to contact them to ask a question or make a suggestion, you can email

There are some house rules and extra guidance

  1. This communication channel is about logistics that are impacted by how the return to the office is working, it is not the right forum to give or ask views on the way your manager is implementing working policies, day to day systems, property or people issues in your team.  But you could, for example, ask questions or make suggestions on the way we manage noisier offices generally as we transition to this new way of working.
  2. Staff Hub remains the appropriate forum for Covid/health and safety related concerns or suggestions that you feel unable to raise with your manager.
  3. Whilst we may all have ambitious ideas about how we can make changes to our building in the light of the different ways we are working since March 2020, we have no ability to do this at the current time. What we hope to pick up with this forum is quick, practical, cost neutral workarounds or suggestions.  Sometimes these can make a big difference.
  4. This email box will not be monitored 24/7, all 3 of us will pick up messages as and when we can around our existing working commitments, so this is not for emergencies or anything that falls under a formal process or statutory framework.
  5. From time to time, as and when queries or ideas are raised, we will communicate responses or follow up actions as appropriate on Molly.
  6. Be patient!  We are all learning on this together – there’s no way everything will be perfect on day one, it’s unchartered territory – but if we all collaborate constructively we are far more likely to make the hybrid working pilot a success – which is in all our interests.

By way of background, a proposed hybrid policy is in development – managers are in the process of talking to teams about how/if it works for their services – a copy will be placed on Molly together with details as to how you can give feedback.  This will be in around 2 weeks’ time to allow for these discussions to happen first.  

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