Digital Wellbeing – What is it and how does it affect us?

Digital wellbeing means different things to different experts, depending on the focus of their research, but for the purposes of supporting people in the workplace Dr Paul Marsden’s ( definition is as good as any:

a state of personal wellbeing experienced through the healthy use of digital technology” – Thrive in our connected world

In the last two years technology has subsumed us, working, schooling, socializing, exercising and shopping online. Now that many are starting to move away from the necessity to live in this way, reconnecting with real life situations is more possible. For some this is a great relief, for others it may be harder to readjust, either way for most of us it is a big change and one that will take some time to prize ourselves from the convenience of devices, apps and instas, and back into reality.

This wellbeing week will introduce you to some thoughts about digital wellbeing, some digital pitfalls you may wish to avoid, the ways that tech can continue to support your work and home life and some ideas to help you switch off from screens and devices and relax.

Here are some ideas you may want to discuss as a team or consider just for yourself to support your digital wellbeing at work –  21 Digital Work Wellbeing Tips (Linked in – Elizabeth Marsh)

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