Date for your Diary – Staff Social!

To mark the end of lockdown and getting back into the buzz of office working again, Staff Hub are organising a social event for all staff which will be held outside at Pippbrook on Thursday 16 September, 4pm, and SLT are picking up the tab! 

The catering is being provided by Chop and Chip in their beautiful 1972 Airstream Kitchen and on the menu there is:

  • Sticky BBQ pulled pork bun – (optional Tomato, Cucumber & Lime Salsa)
  • Crispy Breaded Chicken Burger with Swiss Cheese – (optional Tomato, Cucumber & Lime Salsa)
  • Halloumi, sweet chilli & rocket bun – (optional Tomato, Cucumber & Lime Salsa) (V)
  • Roasted Plant-Based Burger – (optional Tomato, Cucumber & Lime Salsa) (vegan)
  • + Skin on Chips

Soft drinks will also be provided and you are welcome to bring your own alcohol.

If you have any games you would like to be set up on the day or silly prizes you can donate for a “just for fun” raffle please get in touch.  The Fairfield centre have already provided skittles!

It is not too late to put your name down if you would like to come, but the caterers need to know the final head count so if you could get in touch no later than the 8th September to secure a place.

For queries of any kind please contact Kate in CSU:

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