Shave Off

Joe Bailey our Animal Warden successfully had his lockdown beard shaved off for Charity at Pippbrook. The actual shave off took just over two and a half minutes, a video of the highlights is below.


A message from Joe

“Firstly a huge thank you for all the wonderful comments from my Mole Valley Dog Warden Facebook page followers. My job has been made so much easier through their support and assistance.

As for the beard. It began as sheer laziness and not shaving to thinking about being Father Christmas in 2020. For some unfathomable reason Christmas was cancelled. With my Retirement on the horizon I decided to continue growing the beard to then have it shaved off for Charity.

The Chairman’s Charities were chosen and hopefully we will raise a good amount for two worthwhile causes.

Finally many thanks to all of my work colleagues for making the last 33yrs such a pleasure. Wishing you and your families all the very best for the future.”

With best wishes from Demon & Joe

As previously detailed all monies raised are going to the Chairman’s Nominated Charities.

Please sponsor the Shave Off as this is also be Joe’s last working week at Mole Valley DC as he retires after 33 years service.

Joe would appreciate your support in sponsoring the “ Shave Off “.

Anyone who would like to donate is asked to make a payment to –

Account name: Mole Valley District Council

Account number 00000000 (ie 8 zeros)

Sort code: 57-28-54

A reference will need to be quoted. This should be in the following format: Chairman Charity/JB Shave


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