Only Losers Litter

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has re-launched its hard-hitting anti-littering publicity campaign ‘Only Losers Litter.’

The campaign, which first ran last year and reached more than 200,000 people, warns drivers that they could face a fine of up to £100 if they are caught dropping litter on to a road verge. In a play on the word ‘loser’, publicity features a driver throwing £10 notes out of a car as they would litter.

Signs are being placed on roadside littering hotspots across Mole Valley. Messages will go out on MVDC’s social media platforms, website, news site and in its monthly enewsletter. MVDC will also seek coverage in the local media.

MVDC is publicising the easy-to-use service to report littering online at This allows anyone who spots an offender in Mole Valley to share details about the offence and upload dashcam footage. MVDC’s Joint Enforcement Team will then investigate the incident. 

Cabinet Member for Community Services, Councillor Caroline Salmon, said: “If you drop litter from your vehicle you are not only harming the environment, you are breaking the law. Furthermore, empty cans and bottles can trap small mammals and endanger their lives.

“If you see someone littering, please report it online. We want potential litterers to know that they will be caught.”

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