The Great Shave Off

During the last year Joe Bailey ( Animal Warden ) has been growing a beard.

Joe is retiring in August after 33 years’ service with Mole Valley District Council and on the 3rd August (his 21st Birthday!!) he is intending to have his beard dyed, plaited and shaved off in support of The Chairman’s Charities. While final timings are to be arranged the “Shave Off” will happen live outside of Pippbrook and will be recorded for all to see.

Joe would appreciate your support in sponsoring the “ Shave Off “.

Anyone who would like to donate is asked to make a payment to –

Account name: Mole Valley District Council

Account number 00000000 (ie 8 zeros)

Sort code: 57-28-54

A reference will need to be quoted. This should be in the following format: Chairman Charity/JB Shave

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