A Whistlestop Tour of the Local Arts in Mole Valley

In celebration of the fantastic Arts we are privileged to have in our district, Mole Valley Life are delighted to announce that our next online get-together will be a “A Whistlestop Tour of the Local Arts in Mole Valley. Followed by a talk on the hidden messages of masterpieces….

The session will be led by Claudia Cartwright (BA (Hons) History of Art and Design), MVDC’s Arts and Communities Officer. During the session you will have the opportunity to:

·       Learn about the Arts of Mole Valley

·       Find the hidden messages in masterpieces

·       Ask questions

·       Meet new friends

To register your interest in joining the session on Tuesday 29th June February, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, please email mvlife@molevalley.gov.uk by Friday 25th June.

Pottery credit: Dawn Hajittofi

Acrylic credit: Anna Clarke

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