Well done Dee in Housing!

Dee in Housing has received a lovely thank you from an agency who have been supporting one of her clients. 

The client in question was rough sleeping at the beginning of the pandemic, however with Dee’s hard work she helped to get him into social housing.  He remained concerned about his security however in the property, and requested a new front door to allay his concerns.  Whilst this may seem a  straight forward thing to achieve it has taken Dee nearly a year of cutting through red tape to arrange this and a new front door was finally fitted on Monday, meaning that the client now feels safe and secure in his home. 

The support workers comments were as follows;

Thank you so much for all the help with xx’s door, he’s thrilled.  He’s nearly been at the flat a year and you’ve helped him so much over this time, thank you so much.

Excellent work Dee!

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