Staff Hub’s Latest Meeting

At Staff Hub last week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  This week we reviewed a roundup of all the H&S incidents for 2020/21 and 2021/22 to date. We do not necessarily consider an increase in incidents to be a bad thing as it indicates that staff and members of the public are reporting incidents as they happen, which means we can take measures to prevent the same thing reoccurring.

Booking to Work at Pippbrook – there are now 30 slots available in the morning and 30 in the afternoon.  We would very much encourage everyone to check with your manager and book a slot to come into the office.  The office is very safe and it really is a tonic to come in for a change of scenery and to work alongside other humans!  If anyone would like to come in but feels apprehensive please do get in touch.  We can talk you through what to expect and hopefully put your mind at ease.

Wellbeing – Wellbeing Wednesdays and Spring Wellness are now in full flow.  Look out for regular updates on Molly. We will be organising a “wellbeing week” in September by which time more people will hopefully be back in the offices.  Don’t forget the virtual social room is open every Tuesday from 12-1pm.  Everyone is welcome to join for a catch up with colleagues, and you could even pair up and come along with a buddy!!

Spotlight On…. we are continuing to support HR with the recruitment drive.  Currently the focus is on making short video stories about the organisation and the people that work here for the Jobs at Mole Valley website.  If you are interested in being involved please let us know at

Email usage – we’re keen to find out how your views on email usage may have changed over the last year and if there are any new issues.  Look out on Molly for a chance to have your say and for regular tips on how you can ease the burden of email overload.

Staff Benefits – Karrp benefits are still available to staff – here is the most recent update: We are starting to reconnect with businesses as they come back to our high streets so hopefully we will be able to offer more staff benefits and support local shops very soon.

Something to look forward to…..we know it is still a long way off, but when we are allowed we plan to hold a social event for staff that everyone can attend!

If you would like more information on any of the above or you have an idea that you would like to bring to Staff Hub please let us know at

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