Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader Of Mole Valley District Council


Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “Infection rates remain at a low level in Mole Valley; a glowing testament to our residents following the rules. If you know anyone who is eligible for a vaccine jab who hasn’t yet booked in, please do encourage them to do so as soon as possible. If you have a vaccination booked via the national booking system, and subsequently decide to take up an appointment offered through you GP, please don’t forget to cancel you original appointment. You are taking a slot that could be allocated to someone else if you have more than one appointment scheduled and every slot is valuable.

“The charity, Marie Curie, will be holding a day of reflection of 23 March 2021; the first anniversary of the first UK lockdown. They are inviting families and individuals across the country to join them to reflect on our collective loss, support those people who have been bereaved and hope for a brighter future. You can get involved in a number of ways on the day. Do visit the Marie Curie website for more information. Reaching a year to the day since the start of the first lockdown is a significant milestone in the ongoing battle against Covid-19. The charity will be leading a minute’s silence at noon that day and has suggested shining a light at 8pm in your window or outside your home as a sign of support.

See Full Article Here

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