Spring Message From The Mental Health First Aiders

What are you excited about?

This was a topic that we, the Mental Health First Aiders, talked about in our latest get together. 

As before, the variety in the views and approaches around the virtual ‘room’ were noticeable, giving a real insight into the impact of our different thinking styles, which are a strong but invisible influence in the way we view the world.

On a dull, rainy and uninspiring day in March, this is what we said we were excited about: 

  • I’m really excited about a whole new series of ‘first things’ again.  The first time I have a barbecue, the first time I kick a ball about with a friend, the first time I go to a restaurant or a pub!
  • I’m really excited about giving my parents a hug again.
  • I’ve booked a holiday by the sea!
  • I’m excited about watching Bridgerton (the reason may not be appropriate to share 🙂
  • I’m excited about working with my team again in the office – we really miss the buzz and support we give each other.  Working at home has been great, but I need to see and hear people in real life again
  • I’m excited about my best friend’s wedding!  The dresses have been hanging in the cupboard for a year.
  • I’m trying not to pin my hopes on anything fixed, I’m cautious and I’m taking each day as it comes.  I’m good with that – though I do work at finding ways to vary my days too, to make sure each day feels different.
  • I’m excited about reading the next chapter of Harry Potter.  I’m on Book number 5 – reading fiction has really kept my mind busy in a healthy way so I don’t worry about things I can’t predict.
  • I’m just looking forward to getting out more!  I have a lot of energy I need to use.  Even going to the dentist has become exciting, so I am desperate to get out and about in the brighter and longer days!
  • I’m excited about seeing my sister’s new puppy
  • These days, shopping is very exciting
  • I get excited to talk to people – even strangers. I sometimes find myself over-sharing and having long conversations; they don’t seem to mind!  I need to speak to people.
  • I’m excited about having a day in the house by myself!  What I want more than anything else is silence.  (The children are finally going back to school).
  • I’m excited about Wellbeing Wednesday – watch this space….

How about you, what are you excited about? 

Do you have lots of plans already or do you prefer a more cautious approach? 

Maybe you don’t like to plan if your style is more impromptu.

Are you keen to start living more like you used to or will you miss some of the unexpected benefits of lockdown life? 

Perhaps you can identify better habits you’ve got into that you can work on maintaining even when life is a bit more how it was.

Thinking about things like this can improve our mental health.  Good mental health, just like physical health, needs positive attention to maintain.

You don’t need to feel pressured by what anybody else is doing.  The pandemic has impacted us all in different ways, and we are all different people, so think about whatever is right for you – plan a lot, plan a little, or plan nothing and enjoy going with the flow.

Remember the Mental Health First Aiders are here for you.  There’s such a lot of help out there – knowing where to start can be a block.

So if you just want help choosing what to do next, to get into better habits for your mental wellbeing, or if you need to talk to somebody, do get in touch.

You will find a wealth of information on Molly under the Staff Coronavirus pages>Maintaining Good Mental Health or under MyHR>Health and Wellbeing

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