MVL “Health And Happiness” Magazine Hits Doormats

As part of MVDC’s wider wellbeing campaign to help those experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation during the pandemic, Mole Valley Life (MVL) have created a “Health and Happiness” magazine which is landing on the doormats of 14,000 over 65s in Mole Valley now. The magazine aims to improve the wellbeing of Mole Valley’s older residents and help keep them connected through articles and activities to engage with whilst at home. Featured are: reader offers, fitness exercises and brainteasers, as well as the contact details of help and support which is available locally, including MVL’s Lifeline and TEC, Community Transport and Social Centre services.

Read all about it:

The magazine will be supported by a social media campaign and online advertising which will reach 20,000 over 65s in Mole Valley and direct them to further advice on wellbeing.

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