Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader Of Mole Valley District Council


Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “The Prime Minister has now outlined the government’s timetable for easing the national lockdown. The first of four stages, which will come into effect from Monday 8 March, will see all primary and secondary schools open, in addition to rules surrounding socialising in outdoor public places being relaxed slightly to allow two individuals from different households or bubble being able to meet. The current lockdown rules remain in place until 8 March, when the first stage measures come into force. The Prime Minister went on to say that further lifting of the rules will be dependent on certain conditions being met at each stage, such as the vaccine rollout continuing apace.

“It is clear that a cautious approach is being taken but the overall vision is one of optimism and outlines a structured way forward which, all being well, will see all restrictions being lifted by 21 June 2021, at the earliest. There is light at the end of the tunnel as we emerge from winter and we need to allow ourselves to look forward to what the coming months promise to bring, whilst continuing to remain vigilant and following the rules in place. We can get out of this lockdown and, to do that, we must all play our part by staying at home and only leave the house for essential shopping, appointments and if you cannot work from home. The infection figures in Surrey continue to fall in all but one borough this week and that is a testament to everyone keeping to the rules.

See Full Article Here

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