Staff Hub Meeting 17/02/2021 – Minutes And Actions

At Staff Hub this week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  This week we reviewed the H&S report, the vaccine roll out and local testing facilities, and the reduction in the number of sick days taken by staff since we all started working from home.

We discussed the importance of PDRs and would really encourage all staff to make sure there is time booked in with your manager before the end of March for your PDR meeting.

Wellbeing – the Mole Valley Staff Social Room is open every Tuesday 12-1pm and proving popular.  You can save the link in your diary to remind you to join colleagues for a good old catch up.

Spotlight On…. we are working with Comms and HR to get some stories from staff who couldn’t do their own job in lockdown so reached out to other services.  And also testimonials about what it’s like working from home that can be linked to the Jobs at Mole Valley website.

Email usage – we produced some email guidance for staff a few years ago and we are now revisiting the project to establish what impact working from home has had on our email usage.

Something to look forward to…..we know it is still a long way off, but when we are allowed we plan to hold a social event for staff that everyone can attend! 

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