Cyber Security Breach At Local Council

Mole Valley have been made aware of an attempted ransomware attack at a local Council. Staff received emails purporting to be from a local business, using some past correspondence the hackers had managed to obtain to make the email seem more believable. 

The investigation is ongoing, and will be involving the Police, so we can’t advise which Council was involved at this point.

All staff – please be very careful when receiving emails with attachments and links – even if you know the sender. If you have any concerns, please contact the ICT Service Desk

Remember your training – you will all have received an All Users email about new ICT Security Awareness Training yesterday and this morning you will have received instructions on how to start the training, with our partner KnowBe4. 

Please do this training as soon as you can.

5% of staff have already completed theirs!

1 Comment

  • Howe, Ron says:

    Thanks for finally posting this on Molly because, I didn’t trust the e-mails until it was officially announced here and deleted most of them. I am very, very cautious not to click links in any e-mail and, I did the hover and right click checks. I was cautious because the mails are somewhat anonymous!

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