4th February Is Time To Talk Day

On Time to Talk Day we wanted to remind you of all the resources and information available on Molly to help you stay in touch or reach out and get talking. Now more than ever it is important to our mental wellbeing to make sure we maintain contact with others. Alongside any contact you may have with family and friends outside of work there are ways to stay in touch with your work colleagues and managers.

Our Coronavirus information for staff and Winter Wellbeing pages provide lots of suggestions for ways to keep connected to others. The Time to Talk section of the Maintaining Good Mental Health page includes links to external support and contacts such as EAP, Mental Health First Aiders, Surrey Health and NHS Foundation Trust.

There are social groups available through MVDC Workplace and the Mole Valley Staff Social Room that meets on Teams each Tuesday lunchtime. These are a great way to catch up, find out more about your colleagues and make connections.

Your manager is also available to talk to during 121s and catch ups and can support you to create and maintain contact through your work. Managers may want to take a look at the attached resource for ideas on keeping in touch.

Please do make use of any or all of these free resources to help you maintain good mental health and make contacts.

Its Time to Talk!

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