Staff Hub’s Latest Meeting 29/01/21

At Staff Hub this week we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  This week we were joined by Louise Mingay, Health and Safety Advisor to MVDC, and we discussed how H&S has adapted to Covid and how we will keep awareness going when we start to come out of lock down.

Wellbeing – the focus remains on winter wellbeing and staying connected.  If you have time visit the winter wellbeing pages on Molly. They are packed with information and ideas to look after yourself during the colder months. And don’t forget to join old (and new) friends from work in the Mole Valley Staff Social Room open every Tuesday 12-1pm.

Christmas – the MVDC Virtual Christmas Day went so well.  Huge thanks to all those involved with the quiz for making it so entertaining and to Annabelle in Comms for the Christmas video.

Email usage – we produced some email guidance for staff a few years ago and we are now revisiting the project to establish what impact working from home has had on our email usage.

We are always looking for new members so if any of the above interests you please feel free to come to the next meeting on the 17th February. 

You can contact us on

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