Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey


Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader Of Mole Valley District Council.

Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “The encouraging trend first seen last week of the number of new COVID-19 cases reducing across Surrey has continued. Mole Valley has one of the lowest infection rates at this time. Thank you for staying at home wherever possible. It is making a difference. It feels like we have reached a crucial moment so, please, remain resolute, reduce the strain on the NHS and allow time for the vaccine to be given to those most in need.

“Work to roll out the vaccine across Surrey continues apace. Data published recently showed that up to the end of Sunday 17 January, around 63,000 people had received their first dose of the vaccine in Surrey Heartlands. That included over 60% of people over 80 years old. That figure will be even higher now.   

See The Full Article Here 

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