Virtual All Staff Briefing Live Event – Monday 1st February 2021 At 2.00pm

All Staff Briefing

We will be holding the next virtual All Staff Briefing on Monday 1st February at 2.00pm. 

Topics will include:-

  • Annual Plan 2021/2022
  • Budget 2021/2022 and beyond
  • KPMG report

The link to join the Live Event will follow in a calendar invitation.

If you experienced sound and picture issues last time, it is advisable to close all other programs on your laptop – such as Outlook, DMS/APAS as these are particularly heavy on our network.

If you have an iPad or iPhone and can use it on your home WiFi you will find that this may work better. You can also consider running Teams on a home laptop as it runs in a web browser. Just sign in to to view.

As before, there will be an opportunity for a Q&A session. 

A recording of the event will be available to those who are unable to join on the day.

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