Mole Valley Remains In Tier Four Restrictions While Coronavirus Cases Are On The Rise


Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “The government has confirmed that Mole Valley remains in Tier Four restrictions while more areas in the UK join the local lockdowns – three quarters of the population in England is now in Tier Four. Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly with positivity rates exceptionally high.

“Based on the Secretary of State’s announcement yesterday, all primary schools in Mole Valley are scheduled to open as planned on 4 January, while the reopening of secondary schools will be delayed until 18 January except for vulnerable and key workers’ children; pupils taking exams will be able to start on 11 January. More information on schools can be found on SCC website.

“With the new variant of COVID-19 and mounting pressure on the NHS, now more than ever, it’s important we all follow the Tier 4 guidelines to Stay at Home. We need to protect our NHS, save lives and help keep each other safe.

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