Praise For The Fairfield Centre Team!

Christina and the Fairfield team have received a vast number of emails and calls, thanking them for the Christmas parcels they sent out to their members, to help lift spirits and wish them a Merry Christmas! There are too many to include, so here are some extracts:

“I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all, for the lovely surprise that I have just had answering my door to see a lovely lady wearing a gorgeous Christmas jumper standing there wishing me a happy Christmas with a lovely Christmas pressy, Thank You Jean.”

“What a lovely surprise we had this morning when Julie delivered a goody bag. It is very thoughtful and thank you for organising it.

Best wishes to you all at the Fairfield Centre and particularly to my lovely phone pal Jean, who has helped me get through this difficult year.”

“Christina, thank you so much to you and all your team for my Christmas gift and all your care and contact over the last few months.

You have all done a wonderful job keeping us going.”

“Thank you so much, for the pretty Christmas ‘bundle’, that Julie very kindly brought, this morning. What a lovely surprise. A little bit of everything.

Thank you, too, for the prizes of the ‘word’ puzzles. That was a surprise. It was a real joy tackling them, and really amazing how many words, even I found.

Thank you, for everything you, and your colleagues do for us. It is very much appreciated.

We miss you all.”

Well done Christina and the Fairfield team, your ongoing phone calls, activity packs and efforts are clearly making a big difference to the wellbeing of your members. Keep up the great work!

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