Mole Valley Goes Into Tier 3 This Saturday 19th

Most of Surrey including Mole Valley will go into Tier 3 from early Saturday morning (19th) however there is no change to current working arrangements.

As previously notified when London entered Tier 3 earlier this week, the guidance permits travel for work purposes therefore the situation remains as it was before – i.e. visits and patrols must be conducted in accordance with risk assessments and only those staff who fall into one of the following categories should be working from any council owned premises –

  • Those carrying out jobs/tasks which can’t be done from home
  • Those carrying out jobs/tasks which are much slower/more difficult at home
  • Those living in homes which don’t facilitate home working
  • Those who need to attend the office to ensure their personal wellbeing

As things currently stand in the guidance, you are permitted to travel to work in any of the Tiers, if you cannot work from home.

With regards to Pippbrook – As before, some teams have a number of reserved slots as they need staff to attend the offices on a more regular basis to carry out essential tasks. Others, who have agreed with their manager that their reason for attending falls in to one of the categories above, can book a slot on Molly.

Meetings, reception, manager of the day etc. remains as before – please keep an eye on the Staff Coronavirus pages as any general announcements are also placed here.

Please note the Christmas arrangements for Pippbrook specifically.

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