At The Staff Hub Meeting Last Week We Discussed A Range Of Topics:

  • Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for the Council.  During the meeting we reviewed our terms of reference and discussed publicising the reporting of near misses for those out on the road and the risk of aggressive behaviour towards CEOs.
  • Annual Leave – most staff have been taking their annual leave at the usual rate but we really want to encourage everyone to use their leave as it’s so important to have a break.
  • Recruitment – there is not a recruitment freeze at Mole Valley but we are being vigilant about replacing staff and looking first to see if there is any way that savings can be made.
  • Comms and The Monthly Mole – we are supporting the Comms team with all they are doing to keep us connected, including helping them to find content for the Monthly Mole.  WFH stories which could be linked to future recruitment are what we’re looking for at the moment.
  • Wellbeing – the Winter Wellbeing pages are up and running so please do take a look if you have time. They are packed with information and ideas to look after yourself during the colder months.
  • Christmas – the MVDC Christmas day will be on the 17th December.  Keep an eye on Molly to find out what’s going on and how you can join in.
  • Email usage – we produced some email guidance for staff a few years ago and we are now revisiting the project to establish what impact working from home has had on our email usage.
  • We are always looking for new members so if any of the above interests you please feel free to come to the next meeting on the 28th January.  You can contact us on

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