Join Us For An Afternoon Of Christmas Fun …. 17th December At 2pm

Dig out your Christmas jumper or other festive attire and join the Chairman and I at 2pm next Thursday as we reflect on the year that was 2020 and introduce our Christmas quiz. The quiz will be a team sport and we’ll be playing for the much sought after “WFH Trophy” – teams of 6-8 would be ideal. Don’t worry if you find yourself without a team as there will be others in the same situation – simply email Dan at Dorking Halls and he will co-ordinate things.

The event will be streamed via Facebook Workplace. We’ve set up a Christmas Group for this – please use this link for information regarding the event and to join on the day

In the meantime please start thinking about your team name as there may be a wonderful prize for the best one! Once you have agreed the name please register with Kayleigh –

While we’ve had to put the housing raffle on hold this year please don’t forget that you can still donate to Besom – Further details are available

I look forward to seeing you on 17th.


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