Booking to Work at Pippbrook

There are 30 available slots in the morning and 30 in the afternoon.

Whilst the position remains that people should work at home where they can, these slots are potentially available for anybody who wants to work a day or half day in the office. Before you come, please familiarise yourself with the Office Rules and One Way system (you will find a video if you haven’t been in for a while you may want to watch it first).

You do not need to book a slot if you are part of one of the teams who have maintained a rota to work in Pippbrook throughout the pandemic.  The Manager of the Day and duty First Aiders will once again be on site from 9 to 5. More details available here

Book a place to work at Pippbrook


  • Mortimer-Browne, Becky says:

    Can you please let me know how I cancel a booking?

    • creaghr says:

      Hi Becky, you need to raise a servicedesk call with ICT and they will remove your booking.

    • Roger Finch says:

      Hi Becky, on the email confirmation you receive there is a manage my booking button – you can click on this and cancel your booking from there.

      ICT can’t cancel it for you, as we only have 1 calendar entry with ‘multiple entries’ listed so we can only cancel the entire slot – for everyone. We don’t want to do that.



  • Keepen, Jonathan says:

    Is this a return to the previous system that was in place prior to Lockdown 2.0 whereby some teams (and I am thinking about Planning Support here) had dedicated slots everyday so no booking was required? Therefore, Planning Support can have 2 people in the office each day without the need to book?

  • Keepen, Jonathan says:

    Hello, when I complete the form it says to me that I have not specified my preferred date and time even though I have. Either I am missing something or the form is not working for me.

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