New Timetable For Future Mole Valley


Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has agreed a new timetable for progressing the district’s Local Plan, Future Mole Valley. Having carried out a first stage consultation over February and March 2020, MVDC will be seeking representations on the ‘Proposed Submission Version’ of the plan in the summer of 2021.

Councillor Margaret Cooksey, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “We received over 4,000 invaluable responses from people who live and work in our beautiful district earlier this year, and their views will make a tangible difference to the version of the draft plan that will next be consulted on. We are listening and acting accordingly. The changes being made, we believe, better reflect the very strong local concerns presented to us about the green belt. Public feedback received has also informed changes to the way sites will be selected for the final version of the plan.

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