Medium Term Financial Strategy


At its meeting on 24 November 2020 Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) Cabinet will be asked to approve a medium term financial strategy for 2021/22 to 2023/24.

Key parts of the proposed strategy include

  • In order to provide stability and continuity of service to residents, communities, businesses and staff, 2021/22 should be a year of caution with minimal change planned
  • Revenue reserves will be used in 2021/22 to support overspend, which is the result of pandemic-related costs and loss of income. However, reserves will not be allowed to fall below £5m
  • In 2021/22 MVDC will continue to look for efficiency savings which do not impact the delivery of services
  • MVDC will develop a plan during 2021/22 to make up to £2.5m annual savings in the revenue budget, if it proves necessary from 2022/23

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