Proposed New Timetable For Future Mole Valley


At its meeting on 24 November 2020, Mole Valley District Council’s Cabinet will be asked to approve the proposal to publish a new Local Development Scheme, which sets out the timetable for progressing the district’s Local Plan, Future Mole Valley.

Councillor Margaret Cooksey, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “Having agreed an interim timetable in the summer we committed to setting a fully-informed new Local Development Scheme (LDS) in November. This allowed us vital time to further consider the insightful responses from local people and how those views would help inform our plan going forward.

“It has been an almighty undertaking to carefully and deliberately review the public’s responses to our February/March 2020 consultation. Actioning the responses is still ongoing, but the feedback received has already directly informed a number of changes to the way sites will be selected for the final version of the Local Plan. The changes will better reflect very strong concerns about the green belt, as well as making the decisions on where development should go more open and transparent in the next stage of consultation.

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