Government Announcement Yesterday And Impact On Our Working Arrangements

As you will have heard the government are anticipating a further period of restrictions to the way we live and work, due to Coronavirus.

These are anticipated to come into force from just after midnight on Wednesday.

SLT met first thing this morning to consider the impact those restrictions are likely to have on all of us as we continue to run vital public services.

Whilst there is expected to be more specific additional guidance emerging throughout the day, the main messages are that everyone who can work from home effectively must do so but that those working in essential public services should continue to go into work if needed. 

There are some key changes to the way we locked down in March – including allowing visits to peoples’ homes in certain circumstances.

SLT will therefore be working through the guidance as it comes out, and having discussions with each of the relevant Business Managers, to prepare for the start of the restrictions.

There will be further messages on any changes to working arrangements after a special BMT meeting tomorrow. 

From Thursday morning there will be a change to the Office Rules for Pippbrook as we will need to suspend the Pippbrook booking system so that only the tasks that cannot be done at home are done in the office. 

Rest assured, Karen will communicate key decisions that impact everybody with anything really important also sent by email but do keep an eye on Molly when you’re able to do so, and talk to your line manager if you have any specific concerns.

In the meantime please continue to protect yourself and others by following the existing rules and government guidance.  Everybody has already put a huge amount of work into comprehensive risk assessments adapting the way we do things in compliance with Covid measures.

If you are clinically extremely vulnerable (ex-shielded) and you have not already informed your line/business manager – you should do so as soon as possible.  The restrictions coming into place on 5th November mean anybody in this category will not be able to go out of the house for work purposes.   For further details on who this applies to – see hereA copy of the medical letter confirming status should be supplied to HR.

As always, please continue to look after your mental wellbeing too – there are lots of resources with people you can speak to on these pages.

Whilst many of us are apart physically, it is really important we keep talking to each other.

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