26. Can I be performance managed whilst working at home?

Maintaining service levels so far as we can is crucial during this period.  Anybody who is not working as effectively as they can under the circumstances is going to impact somebody else – whether that’s a resident or another colleague.  

Whilst we have not been through normal times, that does not mean the requirement to do the best that you can do or to behave professionally does not apply.

Any performance management discussions are a 2-way process, building in plenty of opportunity to fully understand the situation from the employee’s perspective.  People are still expected to do their jobs and some may need to find creative ways of working in challenging times.

The HR team continue to provide support to advise managers on performance or other issues – and are perfectly able to hold electronic meetings if required.

Even if your job/manager allows you to work in a hybrid manner, they may well require you to work in the office again if there are reasons why the job needs to be done in this way, or if your performance needs to be more tightly monitored or there are concerns.

The vast majority of our staff worked have worked harder than ever through the pandemic.  (See Karen’s thank you).