A Date Subject Request

  • The GDPR brings with it more rights for individuals to know what data about them we keep, why we process it, and how long for
  • More information about the 7 Data Subject Rights options individuals have can be found by referring to the Data Subject Right Options
  • If you receive a request by email or by phone for any one of the Data Subject Rights options relating ONLY to your Service, please refer to the Data Subject Right Options to check whether we have an obligation to act upon the request HOWEVER
  • If you receive a request for any one of the Data Subject Rights options relating to more than your Service, please direct the request to the DPO, Tom Penlington in Legal, dpo@molevalley.gov.uk, and await further correspondence
  • Once a request has been received, we are under an obligation to act on that request (where appropriate*) as soon as possible, preferably the same day if the request is specific to one Business Unit. However, if the request is affects more than one Business Unit, if not all Business Unit, you will be advised by the DPO as appropriate regarding the applicable deadline
  • *Please note, there are exemptions where we are under no legal requirement to meet on the request. In the first instance, please refer to the Data Subject Right Options to inform the action you take
  • If you are in any doubt, please check with your Business Unit’s Data Champion, BMT lead, and finally the DPO
  • If we are legally required to comply with the request, please do so as required HOWEVER
  • If the request relates to more than one Business Unit, please send confirmation that the request has, or has not (and the reason why), been actioned to the DPO.
  • If you are obliged to action the request but the software you use (where applicable) does not provide the functionality for you to be able to meet that request, follow this guidance
  • Confirm with the individual whether action has, or has not, been taken as requested
  • If the individual is unhappy with the action or inaction taken, you can advise them they can complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO): Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF