42. I am feeling anxious and do not want to go out

We will do our best to listen to your concerns and work around them wherever possible. 

At the time of writing it is expected that people work from home where they can, however some teams or individuals may need to be in all of the time depending on discussions with the relevant business manager and, in addition, there are some tasks for which there is no choice but to do away from your house. 

It will depend on what your job is as to what the specific requirements are.  If it is part of your normal role to make home/site visits, input systems or otherwise do things that can only be done in the office, or if your manager reasonably requires you to attend the office etc., there is still a requirement for you to do so.  He/she will however discuss the situation with you to understand the precise nature of your concerns and whether there are any alternatives or additional measures to keep you safe.  He/she will also discuss additional precautions if were shielded, though the concept of ‘shielding’ has now ended (see Q 37 above)

In some situations if you are still not happy to go out and no alternatives have been identified (other than for somebody else to do it), it may be possible to take unpaid leave.  Whether or not this is an acceptable solution will depend on the remaining capacity within the service.

For more general tips on mental health and anxiety see the section here.