Major Projects

Project Themes

Since the close of the service review process the transformation team worked to categorise and organise the ideas generated throughout the process. This resulted in identifying 9 major themes for programmes to bring about the changes identified:

Finance Transformation – This topic appeared in most service reviews, the programme will look at improved processes, the potential for shared services to aid resilience and systems enhancement.

Property Efficiencies – Similar to the finance programme this will enable us to look across the service for ways to improve what we do.

Procurement – This will allow us to conduct a compliance review, create an accurate contracts database and renegotiate and consolidate our contracts.

Shift Left – This will focus on making sure that customer contact is undertaken in the most cost effective way possible with a significant move to online transactions to offer 24/7 service.

Fees & Charges – Many of you said that there was greater scope to increase what we charge for services we deliver. We can see across the county the most District and Boroughs are also looking into this. We will be devising an approach that allows us to better cost our services to understand what we should be charging.

Strategic reduction – This is looking at making sure that we make a choice for areas of our work that we are not obliged to do. Much of the things we do on a discretionary basis are value add so are unlikely to be impacted now. However there were some clear things you told us where it would make sense to either reduce or cease. For example we currently hold a stock of litter picking equipment that we handle to logistics for if ever a community group requests access to these. It make sense for us to continue to support groups wanting to help keep our district clean, but rather than complex and resource intensive ways to manage this we will look at simpler cheaper ways to provide the same support.

Partnerships – Several examples came up where partnerships are a potential to offer us more resilience and benefits in working with other councils. Partnerships are complex and so we want to develop a partnership approach for Mole Valley DC and be clear on our principles for a successful partnership arrangement.

Sweating the assets – This is a significant area of work which will look at how we can get the most from our assets. The sub groups shown are where there was considerable input from you on all the ways we can make the most from these areas of our portfolio.

Process Improvements -Collects all of those processes that you have told us could benefit from review, these will be prioritised and worked through based on the impact they will have to our council.